Second Nature - James Crawford presents new short film on Scottish nature writing

A new short film sees Scotland's top nature writers calling for people to 'notice' the natural world in response to the climate crisis and the Covid pandemic.

Produced by Publishing Scotland to mark the start of the 2020 Frankfurt Book Fair, ‘Second Nature’ is an 18-minute documentary film featuring five award-winning writers talking on the subject of nature and nature writing today: Kathleen Jamie, Jim Crumley, Chitra Ramaswamy, Roseanne Watt and Gavin Francis.

James Crawford, writer, broadcaster and Chair of Publishing Scotland, who has written and presented the film, said: 'The subjects being approached by nature writing in Scotland today are incredibly broad and diverse. Yet all these writers share the same sense of immediacy and urgency - and awareness that "noticing" brings with it the risk, at some point in the future, of "not noticing". Of seeing something, right up until the moment that it is gone. There is a truth and an authenticity to the new wave of Scottish nature writing that is incredibly powerful'.